It is that time of year! Buy Haywood is currently collecting listings for the “Find your Adventure! 2017 Haywood County Agritourism Guide.” The guide is designed to appeal to a vibrant and diverse traveler—highlighting the rich farming and agricultural heritage of our county. This unique and popular publication crisscrosses Haywood County offering year-round opportunities to explore many agritourism adventures. Deadline to apply is Friday, February 24, 2017 @ 5:00pm
Eligible Haywood county sites include:
- Farms that accept visitors (even seasonally or “by appointment only”);
- Plant nurseries and landscaping businesses retailing stock that has been propagated in Haywood County;
• Value-added and Specialty Retail stores featuring products with Haywood County grown ingredients;
• “Farm to Table” restaurants and “local flavor” entertainment spots supporting local products consistently throughout the growing season by featuring Haywood County ingredients in their menu items—including products grown or raised by chefs/restaurants as well as products purchased from local farms/growers and farmer markets;
• Local breweries featuring Haywood County hops or other farm products in seasonal brews, and/or local food items;
• Sites and organizations dedicated to preservation of our rich agriculture heritage;
• Farmers markets, roadside stands, tailgates and on-farm markets that retail Haywood County grown/produced products (can operate seasonally);
• Other farming/agriculture related or educational opportunities;
• Local festivals/events with a farming component or agriculture related theme.
For more information or to request an application, contact: Tina Masciarelli, Buy Haywood Project Coordinator, at 828.734.9574 or by emailing with BUY HAYWOOD in the subject line.