Guest Post
by: Mannie Dalton Crone, Canton Branch Library Manager
The Giving Garden
Do you know about the Giving Garden? Located behind the public library in Canton, it’s a raised-bed vegetable garden used to teach various aspects of gardening.
Started in the spring of 2014, the garden is an education-oriented joint initiative of the Haywood County Public Library, Haywood County Cooperative Extension Center, and the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program. This past year, the garden received financial support from the Haywood County Friends of the Library and the Haywood County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association. The garden is maintained by the work of volunteers, and all produce is donated to the local food pantry, The Community Kitchen in Canton.
The first year of the Giving Garden was quite successful! Nine educational classes taught by Master Gardeners and Extension Agents on various gardening topics were offered to the public over the spring and summer of 2014, with strong community response. People of all ages attended the programs, and at the height of the Giving Garden’s harvest, produce was donated to The Community Kitchen 2-3 times per week.
Plans for next year include:
Building new raised beds
Providing more gardening classes taught by Master Gardeners
Establishing a Monarch Butterfly Waystation
The Monarch Waystation would be used to educate the public on the need to create habitats for Monarchs due to their decreasing population, and to demonstrate that anyone with at least 100 square feet of garden space can create a Monarch-loving habitat.
In order for next year to be successful, we could use your help!
There are several ways that folks interested in this exciting new community project can help:
JointheGiving Garden Planning Committee. We currently have four members on the Giving Garden Planning Committee, but we’re seeking additional members. The committee helps to planthe gardening classes, determines what will be added/changed to the garden, brainstormsways to recruit volunteers and managethe garden, and more.
Leadagardening class. We need Master Gardeners who are willing to share their expertise with others on any gardening topic they are passionate about. Classes typically last from an hour to an hour and a half, and are held in the auditorium at the Canton Library. Audience size varies, running from 15-30 people. There are a lot of folks in our community interested in gardening who could benefit from your gardening knowledge!
Jointhevolunteer garden crew. We need help watering,weeding(minimal, since it’s raised-bed garden), and harvestingthe garden during the spring and summer months.
If you’re interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Canton Library Manager, Mannie Dalton Croneat(828) 648-2924 or
We hope you join us in this rewarding endeavor!
Mannie Dalton Crone
Manager – Canton Branch Library
Haywood County Public Library
Phone: (828) 648-2924
Fax: (828) 648-0377
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