We all know what March Madness is— it involves a heated tournament, brackets and that pool of money you don’t mind losing if your inner sports guru is off the mark.
April Madness is a phenomenon that regularly occurs every spring among local food lovers. Everything that was canned, preserved or frozen from last season is nearly gone and the promise of the season ahead is still weeks away. Essentially, we find ourselves so hungry for the bold flavors of a bountiful growing season that a sort of madness sets in.
Just when you think you are ready to breakdown and buy produce grown thousands of miles away, spring wakes up in Haywood County. Luckily, we have the luxury of enjoying four beautifully balanced seasons— each with something unique to offer. Early spring is no exception. Enter cool weather crops like garden fresh kale!
Some varieties of kale winter-over better than others. If you have some growing in your garden, this is the time to enjoy the small tender leaves raw. Hearty kale is easily elevated to dinner status by adding grilled farm-raised chicken. For a twist on local, try infusing your salad with Asian flavors by adding honey, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds to your vinaigrette. Throw in spring onions or green garlic, dried cranberries, crunchy Asian noodles and top with grilled chicken (optional).
With each bite, you will feel your spring madness slowly transform into spring delight!